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Artificial Insults: We asked ChatGPT to roast Richmond

Artificial intelligence is seemingly everywhere in the modern day, and we honed its powers to halfheartedly roast Richmond for its quirks.

RICtoday Richmond Skyline

These roasts are intended to be light-hearted, so send us your best jokes if you’re feeling inspired. | Photo via Canva

If the best jokes in life have a bit of truth to them, these Richmond roasts might be spicy.

But don’t blame us — blame ChatGPT, the online AI tool that uses natural language processors to generate text-based responses. We’ve noticed other cities used the software to roast their hometowns, and decided to have the River City hop aboard.

Editor’s note: The following ChatGPT responses have been edited for brevity.

Can you roast Richmond?

“Ah, Richmond. The city where everyone tells you it’s ‘really growing’ but it still feels like it’s a decade away from figuring out what it wants to be. It’s like the kid in class who says they’re ‘working on a project’ but just ends up doodling for hours.”

Give Richmond a back-handed compliment.

“The local pride is impressive though — if there was an Olympic event for talking about how great Richmond could be, they’d bring home gold every time.”

What are Richmond drivers like?

“If you’ve ever wondered what it feels like to sit in a car and think, ‘Is this the rest of my life?’ — welcome to the Richmond rush hour. Richmond’s traffic is like a game of ‘Who Can Block the Intersection the Longest?’ with no rules and zero consequences.”

Give Richmond a real compliment.

“It’s a perfect mix of history and modern flair. It’s got a vibrant arts scene, great local food (seriously, the restaurants are underrated), and a ton of green space — whether you’re kayaking on the James River or strolling through one of its cool neighborhoods. There’s a real sense of community here, and you can feel the city’s growth and energy everywhere. It’s got that unique Southern charm, but with a refreshingly modern twist. It surprises you the more you get to know it.”

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