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Henrico County prepares to break ground on Fall Line Trail

When complete, the multi-use trail will run from Petersburg to Ashland

A small sign reading "Joseph Bryan Park" hangs by the side of the road

Henrico’s section of the planned trail will begin at Bryan Park

Photo by RICtoday Intern

Henrico County is planning to break ground on its section of the Fall Line Trail in October.

The Fall Line Trail is a regional, multi-use, motorist-free trail designed to run 43 miles from Petersburg to Ashland. Henrico’s section will be 7.5 miles long and run from Bryan Park Avenue to the Chickahominy River. It will be constructed in eight phases — the first of which will be 1,400-foot paved trail across Lakeside Avenue to Park Street and into Henrico County Spring Park.

Features of the 12-foot-wide trail will include a pedestrian median crossing and pedestrian hybrid beacon across Lakeside, as well as select amenities at Spring Park.

This first phase of the trail is estimated to be finished in February 2024. Henrico says it aims to have all eight sections finished within five years.

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