5 day date ideas in Richmond, VA

Plan the perfect afternoon out in River City with our local date suggestions.

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Use a map of Little Free Libraries to find reading material together.

Photo by RICtoday

Move date night to the daytime with these five date ideas perfect for an afternoon in the River City.

📚 Learn

Go on a scavenger hunt for new reading material at the nearest RPL branch . Richmond’s neighborhood streets are also lined with Little Free Libraries — go for a walk, find two books, and have a literary picnic.

Don’t forget to bring a book to drop off if you’re shopping Little Free Libraries.

🎨 Create

Combine a nature walk + art project by making cyanotype prints . Pick up the materials from Plaza Art , then take a stroll through a local park to gather leaves, flowers, and sprouts to produce handmade prints.

Make sure it’s sunny when you attempt this craft — the light is a key ingredient.

🌱 Explore

For an outdoorsy outing, explore the trails near the floodwall in Manchester. Cross the T. Pott Bridge and make your way to the fresh paint along the Canal Walk, courtesy of the RVA Street Art Festival .

🍽 Eat

Divide your date into drinks, snack, entrees + dessert, then draw straws to see who gets to pick which local restaurant to go to for each section.

For convenience, choose a neighborhood and walk or scoot between spots.

🛍 Shop

Comb the racks at a Richmond thrift shop or two (or four). Shop around for each other + show off your finds with a haul at the end of the day.

Whether you’re going out with a group of friends or someone special, let us know which day date idea you’re taking to the streets of Richmond.

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Robin is a born-and-raised Richmonder who has contributed to publications including RVA Magazine, The Cavalier Daily, and C-VILLE Weekly. She helped launch RICtoday in July 2021 and enjoys exploring James River trails in her free time.
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